Business valuation, as the term expresses, is a process to determine how much a business or company unit is worth. This is primarily done when there is an interest in selling off a company entirely or just a part of its operations.

It is also used in the case of a merger with another entity, an acquisition by a different company, the establishment of partial ownership, or when the company is determining its business value. Additionally, capital financing requires documentation that demonstrates the company’s ability to generate cash flow. This not only aids in negotiating terms with banks or securing potential investors, but also strengthens the company’s credibility by backing its value with clear, quantifiable data.

The valuation of a business will typically include the analysis of a company’s management, its capital structure, the market value and its prospects of future earnings and is approached commonly by reviewing the company’s financial statements and cash flow models. The tools and methods used for business valuation vary among the types of businesses and industries and by the evaluators themselves.

Common methods for business valuation in UAE may include:

Why Choose Excellence?

Through our business valuation services in UAE, no stone will be left unturned as we thoroughly scrutinize your company’s financial statements to accurately reveal the true value of your business, opening up pathways for its future growth and development. With our team of dedicated professional accountants, qualified auditors, business consultants, advisors, and more, we are readily available to provide a comprehensive and thorough valuation of the business as per the client’s requirements.