DMCC Audit deadline 2021: Under DMCC Company Regulations Article 71.3, advised that within six (6) months after the end of the financial year of the Company, the accounts for the period must be:
• Prepared and approved by the Directors;
• Examined and reported on by an auditor approved by DMCCA;
• Laid before a General Meeting for discussion and, if thought fit, approved by its Shareholders together with a copy of the Auditor’s report
Failure to submit the said AFS by this date would be incurred with a sanction on DMCC member portal account, and therefore may not be able to submit any form of request including renewal of license until AFS has been submitted.
The signed and stamped AFS copies and summary sheet must be uploaded online through the member portal.
The original company Audited Financial Statement must be kept in the company’s possession and made available upon request by DMCCA.
• Excellence Group Company Mansoor Mulla Auditing is one of the DMCC approved auditors.
• Excellence has in house team of Qualified Chartered Accountants with more than 10 years of experience.
• Dedicated client service team, to assure timely assistance to any concerns you might have and better coordination between the client and operations.
Excellence is one of the leading audit firms in Dubai, UAE, registered with DMCC as approved auditors. As standard practice, we at Excellence follow the statutory requirements and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards) and International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and strive to provide the best audit experience.
For any Audit and Assurance requirements, please contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +971 4557 0410